37 is considered by some to be the perfect number. It is a prime number, meaning that it is only divisible by 1 and itself. When you add the digits together, you get 10 or 1. The beginning and the end. When you flip the digits, you get another prime number. Symbols and their meanings hep us make sense of the life that we are living. They help us think, categorize, and create patterns. Symbols become stories. Stories become our helpers. They give us strength, hope, and direction. So here I honor the symbols and the stories they tell. If you appreciate my efforts, you can support me by clicking on Buy Me a Coffee and leaving me a tip. Thank you.
My primary sources of information for the symbols are:
Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams
My compiled file of symbols collected over the years
Internet google searches<script type
The sites that I usually use are: spiritanimal.com, what_is_my_spirit_animal.com, mindbodygreen.com, and yourtango.com
37 is considered by some to be the perfect number. It is a prime number, meaning that it is only divisible by 1 and itself. When you add the digits together, you get 10 or 1. The beginning and the end. When you flip the digits, you get another prime number. Symbols and their meanings hep us make sense of the life that we are living. They help us think, categorize, and create patterns. Symbols become stories. Stories become our helpers. They give us strength, hope, and direction. So here I honor the symbols and the stories they tell. If you appreciate my efforts, you can support me by clicking on Buy Me a Coffee and leaving me a tip. Thank you.
My primary sources of information for the symbols are:
Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams
My compiled file of symbols collected over the years
Internet google searches<script type
The sites that I usually use are: spiritanimal.com, what_is_my_spirit_animal.com, mindbodygreen.com, and yourtango.com
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